This script will make an export of all running machines in a XEN Source host and will be saved as .xva file.
This script mount a NFS shared resource (you can comment that part and use a local folder only).
This is the script I use for backing up my running Virtual machines each week.
#!/bin/bash # # Re-written by: Carlos V # # DATE=`date +%d%B%y` XSNAME=`echo $HOSTNAME` #This is the host where the script will run BKPFOLDER=/mnt/exporta #folder to mount the NFS external exported share NFSFOLDER=/export/Xen/xen2/backups #NFS shared folder exported UUIDFILE=/tmp/uuids.txt #temporary file with the uuids of the running machines TARGET= #NFS IP of the server LOGFILE=/var/log/backup MACADDRESS="e8:fc:af:e4:f3:a3" echo "#################################################### start backup of running machines #################################################### " >> $LOGFILE echo "backup of running machines started at `date` " >> $LOGFILE ### Mounting remote nfs share backup drive, we test the ping and in case it is not available, we send the magic packet to wakeonlan the server ### If you are planning to do not use any NFS, please, comment from here to .... mountpoint -q $BKPFOLDER; [ $? -ne 0 ] { ping -c 1 $TARGET 2>&1> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Host is not Alive! Try again later.." >> $LOGFILE; while ! ping -c 1 $TARGET 2>&1> /dev/null do echo "starting server with wakeonlan and waiting 70 secs at `date` " >> $LOGFILE; /usr/local/bin/wakeonlan $MACADDRESS sleep 70; done while ! mount -t nfs $TARGET:$NFSFOLDER $BKPFOLDER do sleep 5 done else echo "Yes! Host is Alive!" >> $LOGFILE mount -t nfs $TARGET:$NFSFOLDER $BKPFOLDER echo "mounted $TARGET:$NFSFOLDER on $BKPFOLDER at `date` " >> $LOGFILE fi } ||{ echo "folder is already mounted at $BKPFOLDER at `date` " >> $LOGFILE;} ##### Comment until here if you do not have NFS server or backups will be local BACKUPPATH=$BKPFOLDER/$XSNAME mkdir -p $BACKUPPATH [ ! -d $BACKUPPATH ] && { echo "No backup directory found for $XSNAME and exiting with error 145" >> $LOGFILE ; exit 145; } # Fetching list UUIDs of all VMs running on XenServer echo "Fetching list UUIDs of all VMs running on XenServer" >> $LOGFILE xe vm-list is-control-domain=false is-a-snapshot=false power-state=running | grep uuid | cut -d":" -f2 > $UUIDFILE [ ! -f $UUIDFILE ] && { echo "No UUID list file found and exiting with error 146" >> $LOGFILE; exit 146; } while read VMUUID do VMNAME=`xe vm-list uuid=$VMUUID | grep name-label | cut -d":" -f2 | sed 's/^ *//g'` echo "backing up $VMNAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE SNAPUUID=`xe vm-snapshot uuid=$VMUUID new-name-label="$VMNAME"` xe template-param-set is-a-template=false ha-always-run=false uuid=$SNAPUUID echo "snapshot created for $VMNAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE FILENAME="$BACKUPPATH/$VMNAME.xva" [ -f $FILENAME ] && { echo "Backup already exist, removing it $FILENAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE; rm $FILENAME; } echo "starting export of $VMNAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE xe vm-export vm=$SNAPUUID filename="$BACKUPPATH/$VMNAME.xva" >> $LOGFILE echo "ended export of $VMNAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE xe vm-uninstall uuid=$SNAPUUID force=true >> $LOGFILE echo "removed snapshot of $FILENAME at `date` " >> $LOGFILE echo >> $LOGFILE done < $UUIDFILE ### comment below two lines if no NFS share will be used umount $BKPFOLDER echo "umounted $BKPFOLDER " >> $LOGFILE echo "backup of all running machines terminated at `date`" >> $LOGFILE echo "#################################################### end backup of running machines #################################################### " >> $LOGFILE echo >> $LOGFILE