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For those accounts which does not have a valid shell, those with nologin for instance, it’s sometimes difficult checking which ulimit applies to that account. We have however an easy way to check and confirm it with the following command.
# su - apache -c 'ulimit -aHS' -s '/bin/bash'
I really like openWRT routers software. It is a brilliant piece of software easy to manage and very powerful. Compatible with thousands of routers but also with a lot of ARM boards and others (GL-B1300, raspberry Pi4, raspberry Pi3, raspberry Pi2, X86 virtual machines, bananaPi Pro, nanopi, etc..)
digging a bit in internet, I could not find any documentation about how to configure openWRT to work with PPTP/L2TP/iKev2 instead of openVPN as client.
Whether obviously openVPN is more integrated