
Linux stuff

There is a way to run the Veritas Java console in MacOSX and manage Veritas Cluster Server from a Mac. I used RPM packages from Red-Hat to create a MacOS compatible Java Console, in the end, everything is Java, and Java is portable between systems. We will need the Veritas Console RPM package, and the alien software to convert rpm files to tar.gz. Alien can be downloaded from Decompress the tar file in a temporary folder Read more...
If you create new partitions with fdisk you would need to restart the system since a funny message warning you about that, to re-read the new partition table, you need to reboot. But with a parted (another like-fdisk partition tool) included command called partprobe, it will re-read the new partitioning and send the changes to the kernel requesting a new re-read without reboot. After fdisk partitioning, type the command: # partprobe Again, in order to use partprobe command you need to install Read more...
One of the common problems after boot from a cdrom is accessing the devices or processes that runs from the cd but inside the jail of the chroot. You can bind some already mounted system folders like /dev, inside our root partition. Here's what I usually do: Boot up from a rescue cd Mount root partition to /mnt and boot partition into /mnt/boot. mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev chroot /mnt (you just went live on the system) Now Read more...

After trying to do login, i got the error about some permission denied running bash.

Making a long story short, this error comes due to some file permission problems. You can read the hole story in

Now the solution:

# strace -s 10000 -vfo login.username login username

where username is the user login that fails.


If your system starts and you get the error : "Cannot Stat Resume Device File. Please type in the name to try again or press ENTER to boot the system" The problem looks like the swap partition is not ready at the point the resume script / module is running, maybe because the device is wrong set in a configuration file (for example after a P2V migration). You have two options. edit /etc/uswsusp.conf and set the resume device with correct swap partition. resume device = /dev/sda2 --> Read more...