
Linux stuff

One of the most problematic port redirections are those redirecting UDP ports. Based on SSH protocol, there is no way to redirect UDP ports over SSH tunnels. Imagine you are behind a FW with very restrictive rules and your connection must use a Proxy witn no name resolutions outside of the intranet, there are no too much ways to access to an external DNS and surf internet, but there are some... Here it is explained a way how to redirect UDP ports with the help of socat (NetCat+++), and a SSH Read more...
  First, go to Oracle and look for the rpm of java but, for x64 (good luck :)). Install it normally, like any other rpm. # rpm -ihv javaxxxxxx.rpm Now we must work manually.. Create a symbolic link to allow use use it in Mozilla. # ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.6.0_13/lib/amd64/ /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ And create your own link to it, like with: # mkdir /$HOME/.mozilla/plugins # ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.6.0_13/lib/amd64/ /$HOME/.mozilla/plugins/ and launch firefox.   Read more...
Some time ago we explained how to convert an .vmdk file to a XEN compatible RAW file, today we are going to review how to convert one .vmdk to a virtualbox compatible .vdi disk. First, create a virtual disk from preallocated to growable as we already saw. I will use one XPSP2 vmware disk. # vmware-vdiskmanager -r XPSP2.vmdk -t 0 hardrive-preallocated.vmdk Convert the file again to a .bin file with the help of quemu like: # qemu-img convert hhardrive-preallocated.vmdk hardrive-raw-file.bin And Read more...
To copy the partition table and MBR from a disk to create the same definition of partitions as in other, you have to copy the first 512 blocks from the header of the disks like with the next command to copy it to another disk for mirroring two disks without create the partition in both disks: # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 This is correct for EXACTLY the same partition sizes. In the case you want the MBR only on a drive that has a root partition of a different size then issue the same Read more...