
Linux stuff

Create a PS1 variable in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc files with: export PS1='[\[\033[01;36m\]\u\[\033[01;33m\]@\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[1;37m\]\w\[\033[00m\]]\$ ‘   Below you can find the color definition: Black 0;30 Dark Gray 1;30 Blue 0;34 Light Blue 1;34 Green 0;32 Light Green 1;32 Cyan 0;36 Light Cyan 1;36 Red 0;31 Light Red 1;31 Purple 0;35 Light Purple 1;35 Brown 0;33 Yellow 1;33 Light Gray 0;37 White 1;37   To help myself remember what colours are Read more...
Resolution To resolve this issue, one or both of the following may be required, followed by rebuilding the initial ramdisk: Repair the LVM filter in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to ensure it accepts the device associated with the root filesystem. Ensure that the root VG and LV paths references in the GRUB configuration are correct. The following steps offer one approach to troubleshooting and resolving this, making use of the dracut shell: Enter the dracut shell The dracut shell will replace a Read more...
To check what is the HBA (firmware) version. root@server:/root# for host in `ls /sys/class/scsi_host/`; do cat /sys/class/scsi_host/${host}/fw_version 2>/dev/null; done 5.06.03 (90d5) 5.06.03 (90d5) For  WWN. root@server:/root# for host in `ls /sys/class/scsi_host/`; do cat /sys/class/scsi_host/${host}/device/fc_host\:${host}/port_name 2>/dev/null; done 0x2100001b32898bbd 0x2100001b3289b3bf To rescan looking for new disks # for host in `ls /sys/class/scsi_host/`;do echo "- - -" Read more...
The problem is that the .img files are not images of a partition, but of a whole disk. That means they start with a bootloader and a partition table. You have to find out the offset of the partition and mount it with the offset option of mount. If you do a Code: fdisk -l /path/to/image it will show you the block-size and the start-block of the partition. You can use that to calculate the offset. For example, I have an image of a bootable stick with a 4GB FAT32 partition. The output of the Read more...