
Create the shared key with puttygen: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/puttygen.exe Press generate and move the mose when requested. When finish, copy the text content of the window to a file, and save it in a safe place or save it clicking  "save public key" or "save private key".   Open putty.exe and in Connections >> SSH >> Auth, select private key file clicking in "Browse" and finding the key file saved previously. or you can use pageant: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/pageant.exe And Read more...
With SSH you can create trust relationships between machines to connect between them without asking for password to be able to install Veritas software or just to connect quickly to remote systems. First, you must create the Secret and Public key with this command: # ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa -P '' You can choose dsa or rsa as type of ssh protocol version (should use the same as on sshd_config file). rsa is used with protocol 1 in ssh. dsa is used with protocol 2 in ssh. It Read more...
  When the virtual machine requires a high-speed timer, the requirement is usually met by /dev/rtc on the host. In some circumstances, /dev/rtc is unavailable, leading to slowness in the guest. The main symptom is that the virtual machine's clock fails to keep time properly. In addition, applications that are timed by the virtual machine's clock, such as Windows menu animations, may also run slowly. Applications that don't use the timer to delay their execution run at normal speed. Note: Read more...