If we want to migrate an existing volume into a new disk group it can be easily achieved by the following steps.
First, add a new disk that will be the member of the new Disk Group and then mirror it to clone the information.
# vxdg -g orabindg adddisk aluadisk0_4 aluadisk0_5 # vxassist -g orabindg mirror orabinvol
By using vxtask, we can see what is the current status of the mirroring task.
# vxtask -l list
When it finishes, detach and disable the mirror volume (orabinvol-02)
# vxplex -g orabindg det orabinvol-02 # vxplex -g orabindg dis orabinvol-02
Now create a new volume that contains the mirrored data we clone before (plex=orabinvol-02), and start the volume
# vxmake -g orabindg vol orabinvoldr plex=orabinvol-02 # vxvol -g orabindg start orabinvoldr
backup the current configuration we will use to recover the cloned volume
# vxprint -g orabindg -hmQq orabinvoldr > /var/tmp/data.file # vxdisk list > /var/tmp/vxdisk.file
Now, stop the new created volume and remove it fromt he Disk Group
# vxvol -g orabindg stop orabinvoldr # vxassist -g orabindg remove volume orabinvoldr
remove the disks involved in the oraginvoldr volumes that are members of orabindg disk group
# vxdg -g orabindg rmdisk aluadisk0_4 # vxdg -g orabindg rmdisk aluadisk0_5
And create a new Disk group that will contain the current removed disks and thus the cloned data. Using the backup we saved before, we can use this information to create the volume that contains the data cloned
# vxdg init orabindgdr aluadisk0_4 aluadisk0_5 # vxmake -g orabindgdr -d /var/tmp/data.file
Now start the volume that we can easily mount containing the clone data
# vxvol -g orabindgdr start orabinvoldr