Special characters to show useful information in $PS1 prompt:
\h short hostname (without domain).
\H long hostname.
\n new line.
\s shell name (like bash, sh)
\t 24h format clock.
\u current username.
\v shell version.
\w current folder.
Inside PS1 we can add the output of a specific command, preferably with short output, like PS1=$(date)
We can color the prompt messages just adding \[\033[COLORm\]. and \[\033[0m\] to stop colors to avoid colored commands.
All posts tagged solaris
When in logs show messages like:
postfix/qmgr[2381]: warning: connect to transport relay: No such file or directory
postfix/qmgr[2381]: warning: connect to transport relay: No such file or directory
trinity last message repeated 2 times
you have emails unsent and should be deleted to clean postfix and avoid those annoying messages.
To do that, You can check inside /var/spool/postfix/defer and find the ID's of deferred messages (inside defer folder a simple find will work). This folder contains Read more...