
All posts by Carlos Villabrille

Sometimes we would like to access devices with a more friendly naming or unify naming with disks or devices. Normally USB disks naming depends the order you connect the disk, so if you want to set always the same name for a specific device to access it as /dev/ipod follow next rules to symlink to a new name. To link devices in /dev find the block device, for example with sdi USB disk. # udevinfo -q all -n /dev/sdi P: /block/sdi N: sdj and check which parameters we can use, here is the output Read more...
Special characters to show useful information in $PS1 prompt: \h short hostname (without domain). \H long hostname. \n new line. \s shell name (like bash, sh) \t 24h format clock. \u current username. \v shell version. \w current folder. Inside PS1 we can add the output of a specific command, preferably with short output, like  PS1=$(date) We can color the prompt messages just adding  \[\033[COLORm\]. and \[\033[0m\] to stop colors to avoid colored commands. Where COLOR Read more...
from Check your device manager to see if Microsoft Enumerator is listed under the Bluetooth Devices listing. If it is you'll have to get rid of that. WARNING: Before you continue I strongly recommend that you unpair all your bluetooth devices from your T42. Go your bluetooth setup in WinXP and delete all your paired BT devices. This is how: 1. Turn on the Bluetooth radio. 2. Check Device Manager to see if Microsoft Enumerator is listed under Bluetooth Radio. Read more...
When in logs show messages like: postfix/qmgr[2381]: warning: connect to transport relay: No such file or directory postfix/qmgr[2381]: warning: connect to transport relay: No such file or directory trinity last message repeated 2 times you have emails unsent and should be deleted to clean postfix and avoid those annoying messages. To do that, You can check inside /var/spool/postfix/defer and find the ID's of deferred messages (inside defer folder a simple find will work). This folder contains Read more...
Create the shared key with puttygen: Press generate and move the mose when requested. When finish, copy the text content of the window to a file, and save it in a safe place or save it clicking  "save public key" or "save private key".   Open putty.exe and in Connections >> SSH >> Auth, select private key file clicking in "Browse" and finding the key file saved previously. or you can use pageant: And Read more...