
All posts tagged dd

If you have a NETGEAR Readynas NAS and you want to migrate your data to a bigger disk, there is not too much information in the Netgear Forum about how to do it. Here is how you can do it. You will require an external Linux machine (a Raspberry PI or Banana PI/Pro can do the trick) First, you have the RAID 1 set up with (i.e) 2x 2Tb disks. Attach the new disk to one of the available USB ports in the NAS. Sync the entire 2tb disk onto the new (i.e) 5Tb disk with: # dd if=/dev/sda Read more...
To copy the partition table and MBR from a disk to create the same definition of partitions as in other, you have to copy the first 512 blocks from the header of the disks like with the next command to copy it to another disk for mirroring two disks without create the partition in both disks: # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 This is correct for EXACTLY the same partition sizes. In the case you want the MBR only on a drive that has a root partition of a different size then issue the same Read more...
Probably the funniest way of migrating a fully functional system is doing it while the system is up and running. You can migrate a live system to another remotely machine booted with a recovery cd that can be used to do a P2V (Physical to Virtual) or live system migration to  other physical one. To achive a network migration we can use the TCP/IP swiss army knife, NetCat (nc). First, boot a virtual machine or physical one with a recovery cd (like wifislax), be sure to have a disks with same Read more...