All posts tagged P2V

Probably the funniest way of migrating a fully functional system is doing it while the system is up and running. You can migrate a live system to another remotely machine booted with a recovery cd that can be used to do a P2V (Physical to Virtual) or live system migration to  other physical one. To achive a network migration we can use the TCP/IP swiss army knife, NetCat (nc). First, boot a virtual machine or physical one with a recovery cd (like wifislax), be sure to have a disks with same Read more...
Sometimes, if you modify the MBR of a x86 disk you can loose its content so you need to reinstall the grub again, for example after install a mixed linux/solarisx86 environment, or migrating a x86 physical machine to a virtualized environment. You have two options to boot the system, both using the CD-Rom: One is using the cdrom grub, to do that, press e after grub appears, and delete all the lines and add the next 3 lines: root (hd0,2,a) kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive As Read more...