All posts tagged OSX

para el samba y parar e iniciar procesos en snow lepard: Stop or start daemons in MacOS Snow Leopoard is very easy running System Preferences pannel and select Sharing, you will find all the sharing applications (or daemons/agents) like SAMBA, FTP, SSH, etc, but, what about start or stop them using the console... Here is how to do it. You have two options, one deprecated and other more modern: # service --list to list the available services to work with. but you will receive this Read more...
To allow hibernate mode, you should have the same mount of free space as physical memory plus 750Mb. Here are possible values: hibernatemode 0 = suspend to RAM only (default on desktops) hibernatemode 1 = suspend to disk only hibernatemode 3 = suspend to disk + RAM (default on laptops) To see your current hibernatemode # pmset -g | grep hibernatemode So, to enable Sleep Safe, open a Terminal console (spotlight search for Terminal) and enter # sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3 It will ask Read more...