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It is important to note there is a correlation between all the parameters Memory limits must satisfy: static_min ≤ dynamic_min = dynamic_max = static_max To modify the memory configuration for a Virtual machine in XEN through the cli commands you will have to stop the server # xe vm-shutdown name-label="machine name" Review the current memory configuration with # xe vm-list params=all name-label="machine name" | grep memory you have to find the uuid of the machine, that can be showed Read more...
Nowadays the hardisks are almost cheaper so creating a RAID1 is a good way to keep your data safe without waste too much money. If you have two disks with same size use them to create mirrored Storage Repository in XEN with the help of mdadm raid software, by default installed in a XEN distribution. SATA is always the best option to have a good I/O but as a test system IDE disks will be valid as well. Let's start. First, create the md devices in /dev # cd /dev # MAKEDEV md now create a RAID1 Read more...